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Tandem Quilting Co.

Tandem Quilting Co exists to employ, empower and encourage global women with local roots. Currently, we employ ladies from Burma, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Most of these ladies are new to America and live in Clarkston, Georgia. These ladies have excellent sewing and weaving skills. We are so proud to employ these ladies and allow them to work...
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We are pleased to have an ongoing relationship with LifeLInk - the Southeastern Organ Donor hub. We create quilts for them each year of their "donors" as a way to honor those that gave their lives.  We also have created quilts for Mellow Mushroom, a local brewery, Google, and several schools. During the Pandemic, we pivoted and created masks. We were chosen to receive a grant and created over 10,000 masks for hospitals, Georgia Tech and many different restaurants. In 2021, we received the Slow Food Atlanta Community Service Award for helping supply restaurants with masks.
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Artwork by Tandem Quilting Co.